Master Camping First Aid Kit, Orange
The Master Camping first aid has a great assortment of first aid supplies and is excellent for use by large groups. The bag folds out all the way and offers, with all its pockets, a good overview of the contents. The FA126 has two carrying handles for ease of use.
Item Quantity Item Quantity
LED Pen Light 1 First Aid Guide 1
5″x9″ Abdominal Pads 5 Safety Pins 6
Hand Sanitizer 2oz. 1 Hand Soap 1
Universal/Sam Splint 1 4″x4″ Sterile Gauze 5
BleedStop Bandage 1 Triangular Bandages 2
Butterfly Closure Strips 5 Knuckle Bandages 10
EMT Shears 1 Tweezers 1
Tongue Depressors 3 Iodine Wipes 15
Alcohol Wipes 15 Multi-Trauma Dressings 3
Triple Antibiotic 5 Suture 1
Pair BLK Nitrile Gloves 5 Pain Relievers 30
Emergency Blanket-Silver 1 Calamine Lotion 6oz. 1
Sting & Bite Wipes 9 6″ Elastic Bandages 2
1″ Tape 3 Eye Pads 3
Bandage Strips 1″x3″ 32 Bandage Strips 2″x4″ 10
Straight Hemostat 1 Curved Hemostat 1
Scalpel Handle #3 1 Scalpel Blades 2
BZK Antiseptic Wipes 30 Ammonia Inhalants 2
Instant Ice Packs 3 First Aid Burn Cream 10
The Master Camping First Aid Kit is a fully stocked kit with a variety of first aid supplies. The Master Camping bag unzips and lays flat with a variety of elastic straps and pockets to organize and secure your contents. The bag is available in a bright emergency orange or a medical blue. The Master Camping First Aid Kit is ideal to keep in your car to and have handy for every adventure.